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Support Groups

Local online support groups where we can share experiences, discuss coping skills, and offer encouragement and hope to one another. 

We've been there, we can help.



For the past 30+ years, DBSA San Francisco has been providing a safe and compassionate atmosphere for support and education to anyone living with depression, bipolar, anxiety, etc. Here are our group guidelines. Our peer-to-peer support groups are free and led by a trained facilitator.

Our Support Groups


Main General Group

Monday 6:30 pm

For everyone with depression, bipolar, etc. We provide a safe and compassionate atmosphere for support and education.


Friends and Family Group

Monday 6:45 pm

For anyone supporting someone with depression, bipolar, etc. It is hosted on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month.


LGBTQ+ Group

Tuesday 6 pm

This group is LGBTQ+, transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming friendly. Hosted on the 1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesdays. If you don't identify as LGBTQ+, please join the Main General group.


People of Color Group

Wednesday 6 pm

A brave and safe space open to all Black, Indigenous and People Of Color to get support. If you are not BIPOC, please join the Main General group.


Casual Hang Out
(On  Break)

Come as you are, and enjoy a comfortable and easy-going get together. Hosted on the 4th Thursday.

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Young Adults Group (18-30) (On Break)

A chill and welcoming space for young adults 18-30 (or thereabout), where we offer understanding, coping skills, peer support, and a safe haven to help you thrive.


Main General Group

Saturday 1:30 pm

For everyone with depression, bipolar, etc. We provide a safe and compassionate atmosphere for support and education.

To get the zoom link, please either click the button below or email us at:

Team Building
& Facilitator Training

For those looking to make new friends, learn, get a behind-the-scenes look at how groups work, give back to the community, and make a difference for mental health and beyond – all are welcome! It's fun and *free* if you attend DBSA San Francisco support groups. Email us to secure your spot!


Our Mission

Providing hope, help, support, and education to people living with mood disorders and their loved ones.

Contact Us

DBSA c/o St. Francis Hospital
900 Hyde Street
San Francisco, CA 94109


(415) ‪‪870-7017‬


Together, we can provide mental health relief and support to all.


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